Energy Market Management
Integration with the energy markets, providing a set of tools to optimize price offerings per installation, utilize databases to run customized forecast & reports and generate charts to visualize complex context. It integrates the Energy forecasts with actual Generation and Consumption and provides all needed functionality for participation in Intraday, next day and future market products. Having the ability to combine production and consumption projection in a virtual energy portfolio, it optimizes price offerings, both per physical installation and per contract portfolio.
Virtual Power Plant
All the basic functionalities of a power producer under the same umbrella, providing all the tools needed for the optimization of a portfolio of power plants, technology and type, including storage management. Our VPP solution provides a unified platform that will undertake energy planning and forecasting, Market integration, as well as generation management with dispatching and balancing algorithms. It communicates with any third-party OEM devices & software, providing unified control and visualization.
Demand Management
Comprehensive solution that provides real-time control of designated loads across a large geographical area. Integrated DR logic, combined with contractual obligations and behavioral characteristics, undertakes to schedule load reductions to meet a specific energy demand. When combined with the Balance Market, it follows dynamic pricing and responds with automatic load control dispatching to reduce or shift load without inhibiting local functionalities. Highly configurable algorithms learn the correlation of different assets and optimize the dispatching.
Provides all needed functionality to control and operate, physically or remotely, isolated electrical grid with defined electrical boundaries, acting as a unified entity, as well as all functionalities needed to manage and balance Power Generation with power Consumption, including Prosumers, storage in an environment with smart-meters, small-scale renewables and domestic energy storage systems. Highly sophisticated forecasting, predictive and real-time management algorithms ensure the optimization of energy usage and power equilibrium within the microgrid.
IT/OT convergence requires a new generation of SCADA software. ACROSS offers a purpose-built SCADA, designed and developed with latest IT technology. It provides native OT support, utilizing latest IT technology and thus native IT compatibility. All expected SCADA visualization, alarm and control functionality is there, with the added benefit of the ability for true real-time (<1sec) processing cycles. Beyond the old-style client server topology, ACROSS leverages on latest IT tools to offer 99,99% availability on-site or on the cloud.
IoT / Smart Cities
We provide holistic management capabilities for every IoT application requirement, by combining the ability to process data in real-time with artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms. A flexible environment based on open architecture allows for integration and connectivity, offering a variety of solutions to manage and control any kind of infrastructure. This makes it ideal for Smart Cities, Energy Solutions and Building Management applications.
Our solutions cover every digitization need in a user-friendly, yet extremely powerful, operational environment.